Рентгенография и рентгенологические измерения бедренной кости на основе методологии CORA. Часть 1. Измерения бедренной кости во фронтальной плоскости

И.И. Самошкин1, кандидат ветеринарных наук, хирург-ортопед;
И.Ф. Вилковыский1,2, кандидат ветеринарных наук, главный врач, руководитель хирургического отделения, ведущий врач-хирург; доцент департамента ветеринарной медицины.

1Сеть ветеринарных центров ООО «МедВет» (117513, Москва, Ленинский пр-т, д. 123, помещ. VIII, к. 3).
2Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский университет дружбы народов» (117198, Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, д. 6).

В первой части статьи на основании литературных данных систематизированы принципы и алгоритм выполнения рентгенографии бедренной кости во фронтальной плоскости, приведены литературные данные о средних физиологических нормах углов бедренной кости, полученных в соответствии с методологией CORA.

Ключевые слова: ортопедия, собаки, деформация, длинные кости, коррекция, референтные линии и углы, методология CORA

Radiography and radiographic measurements of the femur based on the CORA methodology. Part 1. Measurements of the femur in the frontal plane

I.I. Samoshkin1, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, orthopedic surgeon;
I.F. Vilkovyskij1,2, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, chief physician, Head of the surgical department, leading surgeon, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine.

1Set of veterinary clinics of «Med-Vet» LLC (117513, Мoscow, Leninskyi prospekt, h. 123, room. VIII, of. 3)
2People’s Friendship University of Russian (8/2, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 115093).

In the first part of the article based on the literature data, the principles and algorithm of performing femoral radiography in the fronta, plans are systematized, and literary data on the average physiological norms of femoral angles obtained in accordance with the CORA methodology are presented.

Keywords: orthopedics, dogs, deformity, long bones, correction, reference lines and angles, CORA methodology


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10. Burton N.J., Owen M.R., Limb alignment of pes valgus in a giant breed dog by plate-rod fixation, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2007, No. 20, pp. 236-240.

11. Dismukes D.I., Fox D.B., Tomlinson J.L., Cook J.L., Essman S.C., Determination of pelvic limb alignment in the large-breed dog: A cadaveric radiographic study in the frontal plane, Vet. Surg., 2008, No. 37, pp. 674-682.

12. Dudley R.M., Kowaleski M.P., Drost W.T., Dyce J., Radiographic and computed tomographic determination of femoral varus and torsion in the dog, Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound, 2006, No. 47, pp. 546-552.

13. Garnoeva R., Roydev R., Paskalev M., Peichamperi M., Radiographic measures of pelvic limb malalignment in small breed dogs with various grades of medial patellar luxation, Comp. Clin. Path., 2018, No. 27, pp.1551-1555.

14. Kara M.E., Sevil-Kilimci F., Dilek Ö.G., Onar V., Proximal and distal alignment of normal canine femurs: A morphometric analysis, Ann. Anat., 2018, No. 217, pp. 125-128.

15. Lusetti F., Bonardi A., Eid C., De Bellesini A.B., Martini F.M., Pelvic limb alignment measured by computed tomography in purebred English Bulldogs with medial patellar luxation. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2017, No. 30, pp. 200-208.

16. Moher D., Liberati A., Tetzlaff J., Altman D.G., Prisma Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta analyses: The PRISMA statement, PLoS Med., 2009, No. 21, e1000097.

17. Mortari A.C., Rahal S.C., Vulcano L.C., da Silva V.C., Volpi R.S., Use of radiographic measurements in the evaluation of dogs with medial patellar luxation, Can. Vet. J., 2009, No. 50, pp. 1064.

18. Newman M., K. Voss, Computed tomographic evaluation of femoral and tibial conformation in English Staffordshire Bull Terriers with and without congenital medial patellar luxation, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2017, No. 30, pp. 191-199.

19. Olimpo M., Piras L.A., Peirone B., Pelvic limb alignment in small breed dogs: A comparison between affected and free subjects from medial patellar luxation, Vet. Ital., 2016, No. 52, pp. 45-50.

20. Paley D., Principles of Deformity Correction, Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2003б 806 p.

21. Perry K.L., Adams R.J., Andrews S.J., Tewson C., Bruce M., Impact of femoral varus on complications and outcome associated with corrective surgery for medial patellar luxation, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2017, No. 30, pp. 288-298.

22. Phetkaew T., Kalpravidh M., Penchome R., Wangdee C., A Comparison of Angular Values of the Pelvic Limb with Normal and Medial Patellar Luxation Stifles in Chihuahua Dogs Using Radiography and Computed Tomography, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2018, No. 31, pp. 114-123.

23. Pinna S., Romagnoli N., Radiographic measurement of the quadriceps angle in dogs, PLoS ONE, 2017, No. 12, e0185833.

24. Sarierler M., Comparison of femoral inclination angle measurements in dysplastic and nondysplastic dogs of different breeds. Acta Vet., 2004, No. 52, pp. 245-252.

25. Soparat C., Wangdee C., Chuthatep S., Kalpravidh M., Radiographic measurement for femoral varus in Pomeranian dogs with and without medial patellar luxation, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2012, No. 25, pp. 197-201.

26. Tomlinson J., Fox D., Cook J.L., Keller G.G., Measurement of femoral angles in four dog breeds, Vet. Surg., 2007, No. 36, pp. 593-598.

27. Yasukawa S., Edamura K., Tanegashima K., Seki M., Teshima K., Asano K., Nakayama T., Hayashi K., Evaluation of bone deformities of the femur, tibia, and patella in Toy Poodles with medial patellar luxation using computed tomography, Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2016, No. 29, pp. 29-38.

28. Žilincˇík M., Hluchý M., Takácˇ L., Ledecký V., Comparison of Radiographic Measurements of the Femur in Yorkshire Terriers with and without Medial Patellar Luxation. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2018, No. 31, pp. 17-22.